It was a beautiful sunny day in Glastonbury! We started by carrying out a health and safety check on our walk along 'Duck pool drove'. The group used team work to carry some wood to the forest school area and put it near the fire pit. All attendees had some time to explore and gel as a group while the area was set up. They used a bow saw to cut the wood to an appropriate length for the fire pit. Some of the students then built and lit a waffle fire and also a small waffle fire in the base of the Kelly Kettle. The kettle was filled and then put on. In the mean time some long lengths of willow were cut and snipped into smaller lengths. The bark was peeled off and the sticks were put to one side. The side branches were replanted to add to the 'living urinal' area. Two students made hot chocolate drinks for the group and everyone sat inside for some shade to eat lunch. After eating, the group took in turns whittling the shorter sticks with knives and snipping a sharp angle to turn them into small signs for growing vegetables. Individually, the children designed their vegetable signs by drawing pictures of the seeds they had planted last month. Well done to everybody today - you used: snips, knives, independent and group work, fire building, free exploration and so much more!